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  • Individual Coaching

    Every month
    Valid for 6 months
    • Twice a Month One-On-One Coaching Calls
    • Ministry Assessment and Action Plans
    • Evaluation of Weekend Experiences and Strategic Systems
    • Focus on Families, Relationship, Experience, Safety and Hope
    • Access To Fresh Lab Suite
    • Pastoral Consulting
    • Updates to Lead Pastor
    • Site Visit Recommended
    • Six-Month Commitment (if accepted)
  • Individual Coaching+

    Every month
    Valid for 6 months
    • Weekly One-On-One Coaching Call
    • Ministry Assessment and Action Plans
    • Evaluation of Weekend Experiences and Strategic Systems
    • Focus on Families, Relationship, Experience, Safety and Hope
    • Access To Fresh Lab Suite
    • On-demand access to coach via email and text
    • Pastoral Consulting
    • Updates to Lead Pastor
    • Site Visit Strongly Recommended
    • Six-Month Commitment (if accepted)
  • Executive Coaching

    Every month
    Valid for 6 months
    • Executive/Family Ministry Pastoral Support
    • Support while Developing New/Future Staff
    • Eight (8) one-on-one Coaching Calls with staff/leadership
    • Ministry Assessment and Action Plans
    • Assistance with implementation of Strategic Systems
    • Implement Discipleship Pathways and Volunteer Engagement
    • Access To Fresh Lab Suite (plus Executive Strategy Lab)
    • Six-Month Commitment (if accepted)
    • Adjustments Made Based on Specific Needs of Church

Find Out If Coaching Is Right For Your Ministry

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